Somatic Self-Care Practices for Educators

Learn mind-body practices that center co-regulation, nature, and healing.

What is self-care? Bubble baths and pedicures? Maybe, but those things often feel out of reach for caregivers and educators. In this in person workshop we will take a micro-moments perspective on self-care. Finding small moments where we can feel resourced often lead to more centered present-moment connections with the kids we teach.

  • Go beyond the traditional definition of self-care to find practices that are easy to access in small moments throughout your days with kids
  • Bring awareness to the sensations and feelings that support your teaching practice and learn to distinguish those from the feelings that distract you from your teaching goals
  • Develop tools for resourcing yourself so you can be your best self when working with kids  
  • Practice skills for self-regulation with the goal of creating spaces that promote co-regulation  

Saturday, March 29th

Noon - 3:00 PM

South Burlington, VT


* This training is registered through Northern Lights at the Community College of Vermont. All early educators and afterschool professionals in VT will receive 3 hrs of professional development credit.

** This training is in person at The Schoolhouse Learning Center, 8 Catkin Dr, South Burlington, VT 05403

*** For scholarships, alternative payment methods, or questions please email [email protected]

$30.00 USD