Aug 6 @ 8 PM - Free one hour convo - Honest Conversations with Kids About Sex & Intimacy


Book a free zoom connection here.

Click here to take the next step on your healing journey!



Live Instruction

Transform your life with kids!
This fall an intimate group of parents will come together to explore all the concepts in my signature course, Roots to Grow Wings to Fly. All while receiving group coaching & one-on-one support.

join the wait list

About Anna

From an early age I have been motivated and inspired to be part of creating a more peaceful, just, sustainable, and healthy world.  Over the last 20+ years I have found many creative ways to be part of this mission along side incredible mentors and allies including friends, family, and my two amazing children. 

I began my career as an early educator with the belief that the most effective way to create peace is to teach the next generation of children to be stuarts of the earth and to help them become compassionate contributing members of our communities.  This brought me through over a decade of experiences and trainings involving classroom teaching, owning and directing child care programs, pursuing training in the Montessori philosophy and study of many alternative education styles, providing for children with special needs, one-on-one family support through nannying and overnight infant care, and teaching children's yoga and music.

Eventually, I stepped out of my comfort zone and for the next decade I became a community organizer; motivating and training volunteers, advocating, lobbying, organizing for a better future for children, rallying to save the planet, and working to transform oppressive systems.  But it was the passing of my mother that truly set me on a new path.  It was at that moment that I felt I had to do something more impactful with my life.  

This lead me towards the journey of homeschooling my children and diving into personal studies in meditation, visualization, epigenetics, polyvagal theory, and integrative medicine.  As well as an in-depth study of the anatomy of the human energy field, chakra systems, and energy healing techniques through a four year degree at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  

I have been through the fires of transformation and deep personal process.  Healing myself and my relationships with my children, family, coworkers, and friends.  This is ongoing work that has evolved and will continue to support me in aligning with my calling to assist in creating the peaceful, just, sustainable, and healthy world I dream of.   

Currently I am using all my experience, knowledge, and skills to support others in their personal process and healing journeys.  I believe I have an incredible capacity to hold space for the tensions and traumas in life and to hold compassionate space for the grief of loss and woundings experienced in childhood that reverberate into daily life. 

In finding wholistic health we can each be part of our personal and collective quest towards more peace, joy, and love. 

I have developed several offerings to assist individuals and families including one-on-one energy healing sessions, family coaching sessions, guided meditations, and educational courses.  

I am confident that together we can step into the ease, love, health, and abundance you are longing for.



"Waking up this morning, I felt a sense of calm and peace that I haven't in awhile. I felt confident and empowered. I felt strong and energized. I felt connected and loved.

As always, your incredible talent as a healer has filled me with an energy my body desperately needed, but didn't know how to access on its own. Thank you for helping me fill my cup in ways I don't even fully understand, but know is crucial for my well being."
- Dawn - mom of two

"Annas parenting advice is simple, practical and easy to implement!  Ive successfully incorporated a silly, playful and fun approach Anna shared with me to address an otherwise annoying scenario (non-stop potty talk all the time and anywhere from my 4-year old, the worst!). She shares her wisdom in an unassuming way, and I feel empowered (rather than deflated and exhausted) every time I try an 'Anna gem' with my kiddos.

- Lucia - mom of two girls


"Anna has played such an important role in my life as a parent!  After many years working as an early childhood educator, Anna has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from, but lots of people have knowledge and experience -- what makes Anna amazing is the way she weaves her experience together with her thoughtful creativity, and her gentle, family-centric approach to problem-solving.  Annas ideas whether theyre focused on helping my five-year-old develop healthy eating habits, or helping my three-year-old find constructive ways to manage his anger (he reminds me of that baby in The Incredibles who bursts into flames when hes mad) are thoughtfully tailored to our whole family and designed to support our values, our strengths and our human-ness as parents, as kids, and as people.

I am so grateful to Anna for sharing her sage wisdom and comforting humor with me and my family.  Parenting is SO F***ing HARD!  Anna makes it easier."
- Hannah - mom of two boys


"Anna is the voice of reason when I need honesty...and compassion when I need it most. The space she holds is sacred, and unmatched.

She somehow always manages to truly listen and offer unbiased feedback. I am so deeply grateful for her presence and influence in my life."
- Sara - mom of three


"Some words to describe Anna:  gentle, insightful, experienced, energetic, observational, loving, trusting.

Anna has been a guide for me as I raise my daughter. With her gentle and clear way she has helped me see to the core of my childs needs, illuminating a loving and effective parenting path. She is full of knowledge to empower us to connect and grow with our children!"
- Nina - mom of an eight year old

About Roots to Grow, Wings to Fly!

This online course is designed to help parents and those who work with children find peace, cooperation, and balance every day so that they can support children to become successful, confident and independent young members of our communities.

Rather than engage in power struggles with their children this course offers parents the tools, constructive solutions, and helpful examples to realize positive outcomes in their relationship.

My unique understanding of children helped me realize that the behavior is never the problem – it’s that the environment isn’t meeting the child’s needs.

The general themes that are the hallmark of what I do are – trust, slow down, and build connection.

The key is to follow the child’s lead to discover their innate wisdom; allowing the essence of the child to blossom. They are born whole and complete. We just need to establish the environment to allow them to be who they really are, see what they’re drawn to, and create more opportunities for whatever that is.

In this course you will learn to first find your own path towards emotional regulation, then build skills for observation and creative solutions.  Next I will give you tools to learn how to prepare both your physical and energetic environment which supports you to become a model.  This will all help you to create safe boundaries that establish the basis for your child's free exploration. 

In each of the five modules you will receive a guided meditation and handouts to support your understanding of each concept:

Module 1 - SLOW DOWN

Module 2 - BUILD TRUST



Learning is a lifestyle that is to be celebrated! I invite you to join the journey of discovery and celebration!

Join us in this powerful online course!

Energy Healing Session

As you step forward on your journey to live the life you are longing for, I am here to guide and support you through one-on-one connections. For individuals on their personal healing journey I offer personalized energy healing sessions designed to support you through breathwork, mindful body awareness, and energetic healing techniques. 

Use this convenient scheduler to find a time and book your personal connection today.


Online Family Coaching

Families and educators are encouraged to utilize my diverse background in education and parenting for support through one-on-one coaching to get creative and find solutions that achieve your personal goals with young children.

Click on the scheduler below to connect with me for more intensive, online coaching, one-on-one support, and personalized problem-solving.



We are building community together.  Supporting children is hard and it is even harder when you feel alone.  For additional connection and support, I offer a private Facebook group "Family Healing Community" that provides a space for more intimate sharing and connecting with other families. In this Facebook group, you will also be able to ask me specific questions about your particular challenges and receive personalize solutions and support. 

Join Now

Purchase the course now!

Take the positive, proactive step to create a more loving, calm, nurturing, and empowering environment for your whole family.


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